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GJSCI announces the finalists for World Skills International

GJSCI announces the finalists for World Skills International

The Gem and Jewellery Skill Council of India (GJSC1) I has announced that Suhali Jain from Delhi and Bhabesh Chandra Jana from Bangalore as the finalists of the skills test conducted by the Council. One selected finalist will represent India in July at the World Skills International 2013, Leipzig. Germany. Both the selected candidates will receive intensive training under a master trainer until December 2012.

A total of 17 participants competed against each other in an 11-hour longtest of skill and talent. GJSC1 is mandated by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to identify contestants from the gems and jewellery sector to represent India for the competition.

The World Skills International is the largest vocational skills competition in the world. It is held once every two years where over 1000 young people from across 60 countries compete in a variety of skills in 43 different categories.

The competition is open to all Indian nationals – either students of (ewellery manufacturing or artisans working in the jewellery industry.